Does Foodnoms support Apple Watch?

Yes, Foodnoms supports Apple Watch. You can track your goals with Apple Watch complications and with the Foodnoms Apple Watch app.

How to Install the App

If you have your Apple Watch to automatically install apps (you can check in the iPhone "Watch" app > General > "Automatic App Install"), Foodnoms will automatically get installed.

If you don't see the app on your watch, go to the "Watch" app on your iPhone and scroll down on the "My Watch" tab to find Foodnoms in the list of "Available Apps". Tap the "Install" button to install it on your Apple Watch.

How to Set up Watch Complications

Complications are great for tracking your nutrition goal status right from your wrist. You can add Foodnoms watch complications just like any other complication, simply by editing your Watch face, tapping on a complication slot, then scrolling to the Foodnoms section. You should find a list of complications, one for each of your goals.

If you are having trouble setting up complications, or if you don't see any in the list, make sure to open the Foodnoms app first to perform an initial data sync. The app on your iPhone and Watch must connect at least once before adding any complications. If complications still aren't showing up, try logging something from your iPhone and checking back in a few minutes.